Flags Don’t Have To Be Red: Little Signs You’re In A Good Relationship
When it comes to relationship advice, we often talk about the red flags to watch out for: the signs that you're in the wrong relationship, or the signs that your partner isn't the "right" one for you.
It's important to be aware of the warning signs of a potentially bad relationship, but what about the signs that mean you're in the right relationship? These people shared their relationship green flags to help you know you're on the right path.
Simple Gestures That Show They Care
"When you're on a road trip and your partner feeds you fries and helps you drink your soda or whatever. I think that's such a nice simple gesture of kindness." —Reddit / Kekitron
Your Partner Always Supports Your Life Goals
"Genuine support in your life goals, even if that means you two will have to go long distance for a while or will have to have conflicting work schedule or it will make your relationship harder in some way." —Reddit / averagehonesthuman
Being Able To Fight Properly Without Personally Attacking Each Other
"Not making personal attacks during arguments. Focusing more on how they are feeling and fixing the problem at hand, and then reconciling afterward, rather than lashing out with a list of perceived character flaws." —Reddit / xxrachinwonderlandxx
You're Never Competing For Attention
"You don't feel like you're competing for their time. You're just loved. Even when they are busy, you don't have to worry.
"People think you need to spend all your time with someone. You don't. But the feeling of being loved removes any jealousy or insecurities." —Reddit / mewashere1
Being Able To Laugh With Them
"Laughing is probably the best thing you can do in the world and my favorite thing. One of my HS teachers told me, 'If you can't find something to laugh about each day what’s the point of waking up?' and that always stuck with me." —Reddit / Ecstasyapathy
Taking Criticism Without Taking Offense
"When your SO takes criticism from you seriously without immediately trying to turn it back on you." —Reddit / SqueakyCleanNoseDown
"A person being able to take responsibility for their actions without immediately getting defensive or angry is such a huge, huge sign of maturity." —Reddit / dinosaurfondue
Someone Who Actively Listens, Not Listens To Respond
"Active listening. Not just being there while you talk, actually giving opinions, advice if asked for, and generally caring for the conversion." —Reddit / uncanny_grapefruit
"Honestly, this is SO important. I've had to get rid of certain people because it was clear that they didn’t care to actually LISTEN." —Reddit / Starsandlittlefish
You Can Always Put Your Anger Aside For The Bigger Picture
"No matter how angry you are at one another. You will still go out of your way or they go out of their way to help. No matter how angry we are at one another (usually only lasts a short period of time) we will never sabotage or try to teach them a lesson." —Reddit / kamikaziboarder
They Bring Out The Best Version Of You
"When you like the person that you become when you're with them. Everyone projects a different version of themselves around different people and if you don't like who you become when you're with someone, it's probably not going to be the healthiest relationship. Your SO should bring out the best in you." —Reddit / crasher35
Your Partner Isn't Your Sole Source Of Happiness
"When each person can find contentment without the other being present.
"A common red flag is the expectation that someone else can make you happy, when in reality, that's something only you can do for yourself, the above is the opposite of that." —Reddit / pastafariantimatter
You Don't Worry About What They're Doing When You're Not Watching
"When you never have to question their whereabouts and you get that 'safe' feeling." —Reddit / thrivingandstriving
"You trust your partner to be where they say they are. You shouldn't have to know exactly where they are at all times or police them on their whereabouts." —Reddit / Verlit1
They Remember The Little Details
"Your partner does things for you without asking and remembers little details." —Reddit / SerenityFate
"Listening to you and remembering the things you've said. Back when me and my boyfriend started dating, he’d sometimes bring up things that I’ve said before. Made me super happy and could tell he genuinely cared." —Reddit / isahellarad
They're As Excited As You Are To Be Together
"If she shows equal interest in hanging out with you. If it feels like you're dragging them into going on a date, they’re really not into you, no matter what they may say.
"Besides, let’s be honest. Wouldn’t you rather date someone who is as excited and interested in seeing you and you are in seeing them?" —Reddit / Crappyfanchandelier
Being Able To Work Towards Something And Achieve It
"Being competent at life. I'm not saying being rich or having a fantastic job or anything. I mean someone who is able to set a goal and work towards achieving it.
"No matter what that is, it makes a huge difference in life." —Reddit / UnprovenMortality
You Have Your Own Separate Hobbies And Interests
"They're happy you have your own things you’re into. You’re happy they have their own things they’re into. There’s no battle of preferences, no nasty little 'ur hobby is dumb' comments." —Reddit / Upvotespoodles
You Can Share In Your Happiness Together
"You want your partner to be happy and not the other way around. Oftentimes people want to be in a relationship to solely make themselves happy." —Reddit / Some-Specie
"I heard somewhere that in a relationship it shouldn't be to make yourself happy it should be to have someone that you can share that happiness with." —Reddit / TeletubbyBoi211253
You Feel Like Your Opinion Is Valued
"You recommend them a book or movie and they actually take the time to check it out." —Reddit / -eDgAR-
"Way back before I started dating my boyfriend, we were friends, and I suggested a podcast. When he actually checked it out and started raving about it the next week, I was shocked. It was just so odd and nice to feel like my opinion was valued and trusted." —Reddit / alp17
Feeling Comfortable Just Being Together
"It's okay to sit quietly and know nothing's wrong. It's okay to read a book on one end of the couch and the other person is doing whatever they want on the other end of the couch and that's okay." —Reddit / illuzion25
Recognizing That One Argument Is Not The End Of The World
"Being able to have healthy conflict without fear that conflict will cause the end of the relationship. It's a green flag (and a relief) to have natural disagreements and communication about those disagreements without constant fear that someone’s going to hit the nuclear option." —Reddit / raccoons4president
You're Comfortable Enough Together To Act Like Yourself
"Maybe this is just me, but when someone doesn't care too much about people’s opinions of them. Like, when they aren’t afraid to act goofy in front of people they don’t know. I absolutely love people that don’t take themselves too seriously." —Reddit / ssseawa