Signs You Need To Take A Break From Dating
It seems that people are either in serious relationships or they're dating in some kind of way. So what does it mean when you're not really feeling it? Should you just push through it and date anyway, or are there some signs that it's time for you to take a break?
Here are some signs that you might need to start thinking about taking a break from dating.
You're Dating Just For The Sake Of It
Dating is a lot of work, and it involves other people's feelings. So if you're dating just to be dating, that's probably not a great reason to be putting yourself out there. If you are going to, make sure that everyone knows you're not taking it too seriously.
You're Not Sure You Want To Be In A Relationship
If you don't know whether or not you're ready to date someone seriously, then it might be best to leave dating be until you figure that out. There's nothing wrong with casual dating, but not knowing what you want is bad for everyone.
You're On A Lot Of Dating Apps
You've got a lot of dating apps on the go, and you've got tons of matches on each. It could be a nice ego boost to hoard matches and just chat back and forth, but that's not dating.
You're Treating It Like A Game
If that's what you're doing, then you're treating dating like it's a game, which it isn't. Yes, the way people play with your feelings can make it feel like a game, but don't be that person too.
You're Feeling Burnt Out
Maybe you've got some other stuff going on in your life that's making you feel tired. If you're stressed about things in your life like your work, finances, or stuff going on with family and friends, that should be your priority.
You Just Broke Up With Someone
It can be tempting after a breakup to try and get back out there and have a rebound, but that only ends up hurting everyone involved more than anyone intended.
You're Hung Up On An Ex
If that's the case, then you should also know that going on dates and pretending you're having a good time is not something that your ex is worried about. If that's your intention, dating isn't for you right now.
You Feel Pressure To Date
If you have friends or family who are trying to tell you that you should just find yourself a nice man, tell them respectfully to shove it, because their approval is not your dating motivation and it never should be.
You're Stuck In Your Dating Comfort Zone
It might be time to take a break if you notice that you're making the same sorts of mistakes and decisions you've always made. Maybe you're going back to the same friends with benefits or sticking to one type.
It's Making You Feel Unwell
If dating is just pooping you out or making you feel more stressed than anything else, it's OK to give it a rest for a little while. You don't need to add stress where it doesn't need to be.
Your Anxiety Is Taking Over
Dating isn't easy, but it should mostly be fun. If it's causing you stress and making you feel anxious about yourself, don't sacrifice your health to try and meet a man.
You're Self-Sabotaging
Maybe you've noticed that you start doing things or acting in certain ways that will make someone no longer be interested in you, or you make plans knowing that you're not going to follow through. But if you're self-sabotaging, you should pump the brakes on dating.
You Know You're Ignoring Red Flags
You matched with someone and have been on a few dates, and you know they're not a good match for you but you keep dating anyway. This is bad dating behavior! And we all do it, but if you catch yourself doing it, take a break!
You're Not Thinking About The Future
Unless you're genuinely interested in working toward a future with someone, you shouldn't be wasting their time or your own. Not every minute has to be spent planning for the future, but you should have your eye on it.
You're Not Ready To Make Any Sacrifices
A big part of dating is making sacrifices. They might not always be big ones, but they're there. If you're not in a place where you would be willing to have those talks, then maybe you should reconsider dating.
You Don't Want To Put In The Time
Getting to know someone is time-consuming, so really consider if you're ready to dedicate that kind of time to something before you start talking to other people. Don't be someone who matches and messages a few times and nothing comes of it.
You're Feeling Insecure
Our relationship with ourselves is always going to be an ongoing struggle, but if you're feeling especially insecure and think that dating might help you feel more confident, you need to take a step back and reevaluate.
You Can't Make Yourself Happy
Because if you don't feel good about yourself, and if you can't make yourself happy, then no one else is going to be able to do it. It's an age-old saying, but it's a very true one.
You're Afraid Of Commitment
Knowing that you're not going to commit to someone is something you should be honest about when you start talking to other people. However, it's also important to ask yourself why you're not ready to. If it's because you don't want to be in a relationship, maybe you shouldn't be dating.
You Think A Relationship Will Save You
Being in a relationship is not going to make any of the other things you're struggling with in your life feel better, so really make sure you consider that before you start getting involved with other people.